
Plant Characteristics

28 - 32:1
0.24 - 0.40%*
Caryophellene, Myrcene, Limonene, Humulene
4ft - 5ft

Growing Information

Delta 9
1.5 - 2lbs Per Plant**
October 1st - 10th

MONARCH OG owns are name being a queen in every aspect. She is field hardy and prone to lateral branching, which makes her a heavy yielder while keeping a lower profile. Good for windy regions. This is an oily plant producing terpenes in early flower, helping with pest resistance. Plants like these may prove to be less attractive to moving vectors early in season such as leaf hoppers. Monarch brings her royalty to the line up when it comes to flavor too.

Talk about sweet and sour! This plant has it all.

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